up//root editorial team member application

up//root is excited to announce that the 2020-2023 editors, Joyce Gabiola, Sofia Leung, and Jorge López-McKnight, are looking for a current (first year-second semester or beyond master or undergraduate) student to join them in this editorial experiment of knowledge making.

You can submit your application to join the editorial team for We Here's publication/media space, up//root, with this form.

Questions regarding the editor position? Please email uprootknowledge@gmail.com

up//root is a space for Black+Indigenous+People of Color to share their meditations on their knowledge, experiences, and ways of being in libraries and archives. It is meant as a place for collaboration and community, grounded in criticality, antiracism, and anti-oppression.

up//root will be accepting applications until October 30, 2020 or until a new editor is announced.


// Commitment to weigh in on collective decisions with the editors, furthering the current vision of the publication/media space.

// Participate in various editor duties, including but not limited to peer-reviewing, assessing submissions, guiding authors through the publication process, etc.

// Commitment to: a 1 year term; being available for monthly web meetings and online--over email, participation in We Here's private Slack channel, closed platforms, and preferably, social media.


// A current Black+Indigenous+Person of Color student (in the second semester or beyond of your first year, either master’s or undergraduate), rooted in antiracism/anti-oppression.

// An ability to approach this work through an understanding of coloniality, white supremacy, patriarchy, white feminism, and/or racial capitalism as they impact archives, libraries, LIS education, and/or information.


CFP: Our First Themed Issue on Anti-Blackness


Public Event: Meet the Editors